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Schornsteinsysteme, Schamotte und Solarsysteme | Johann Hillen GmbH
Chimney Systems
Take advantage of our broad range of services!
Our product range encompasses the whole spectrum of chimney systems and flue pipes for the construction of one-family and multi-family homes.
Take advantage of our broad range of services!
We offer a wide range of chimney accessories in order to meet static as well as fire protection-related requirements. Here you will find a selection.
Chimney System OSMOTEC LAS-F
The OSMOTEC-LAS-F is the all-rounder among our chimney systems
Hillen SteelLine DW Chimney System
A very easy to install chimney system with a long life span
Solar thermics – systems and collectors
Our solar systems make use of the energy of the sun to generate heat in an efficient way. We believe in solar energy, and so should you!
The current performance of the collectors attached to our company building.
The newest version of the thermosiphon solar heating system.
Fireclay – fireclay bricks and more
Our high-quality fireclay stands out due to its high heat resistance and storage capacity. We supply fireclay bricks, fireclay stones, or fireclay mortar in soft Hafner quality!
Product Brochures
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